Soil prokaryotic communities
Soil microbial communities are important for soil functioning and crop health. In this paper we tried to understand the impact of agricultural management practices (tillage, fertilization intensity, pre-crop) on the structure and functions of the soil prokaryotic community. We compared mouldboard plough (MP) vs. cultivator tillage (CT)….

Rhizomicrobiota assemblage in lettuce
The rhizosphere is a hotspot of plant-microbial interactions and important for plant performance. In this study we analyzed which agricultural factors (tillage, fertilization intensity, last standing field crop) shape the rhizosphere microbiota. Therefore, we setup a growth chamber experiment under controlled conditions using lettuce….

Suppression of fungal pathogens in lettuce
Already in 1904 the German phytopathologist Lorenz Hiltner postulated that secretions of plant roots can attract beneficial soil microbes but also pathogens as uninvited guests into the so-called “rhizosphere”, as soil compartment influenced by the activity of plant roots. He also speculated that the external application of plant-beneficial microbes….